Friday, April 3, 2009

Concerning the shootings in Binghamton today, I'ld just like to say that this is what is what happens when you have liberal gun laws (and by liberal I mean very little restriction on ownership of guns or on types of guns sold). In Canada, which has reasonable gun laws - which allow for hunting, but restrict handguns and semi-automatic weapons - the death rate from gun violence is obviously much lower! And the typical knee-jerk NRA reaction that says that people kill people, not guns is just ludicrous - it completely avoids the issue of social responsibility for a safe society. This is like saying that people kill people - not planes - regarding 9/11. Does that mean that we shouldn't do anything about terrorists getting on planes or the carrying of weapons on planes?
I've been looking at YouTube videos of border collies - very funny! They were rated number one in intelligence in an article on Yahoo News. They look a lot like the dog I grew up with - Spot. (Yeah, I know, really original name!) I googled border collie and dalmation (which I knew Spot was partly) and came up with pictures that looked just like Spot! (Although the spots weren't in the right places!) Do you know the spell check in Blogger, part of Google, doesn't recognize "googled"?! Amazing! He chased his tale a lot, which I read some dogs do when they get bored (although we played with him a lot).


I'm starting this blog (capemark blog) on April 3, 2009. I spent last night with 4 homeless women whom we host at my church, South Congregational (UCC) Church in Centerville, Massachusetts, US, a program (Overnights of Hospitality) that our church participates in two or three Thursdays a month - which about 30 churches on Cape Cod are involved in.

Blogger (part of the ubiquitous Google) makes this extremely easy and I'm using the Flock web browser (which makes it easy to keep track of a number of RSS feeds and social networking sites.

More soon!